The MERS boat
In keeping with its mission, MERS has acquired a boat to continue its education program on the waters of the Potomac River and Chesapeake Bay. The boat is a 34-foot Mainship Mk III diesel trawler with a stable 12.5-foot beam. It will be ready for use in the Spring of 2024. Donations to assist in the maintenance of the boat are welcome.

The MERS Training Syllabus has been supported by the Intituto Nacional de Antropologia e Historia (INAH), Mexico.
MERS Conference
An annual one-day MERS conference provides a forum for a wide range of presentations on maritime fields of interest, mostly for the purpose of planning future training and education visits to areas around the world.
The Society has also been established to provide organized lectures, conferences and seminars; to produce a substantive website that reflects our mission, goals and publications; and a mechanism for individuals and groups to participate and be educated at on-site locations around the world in these maritime fields. The intention of the Society is to act as a forum for the interchange of ideas and to bring interested parties to on-site locations to learn first-hand in their interested fields of maritime research. The specific intention is to provide cooperation between amateurs and professionals within these various fields of interest.
MERS educates and trains commercial and recreational divers, in various fields of maritime interest and how best to pursue such knowledge. Courses are taught on-site in mixed gas diving, night diving on coral reefs, underwater photography, underwater archeology, and other specialties. The aim of the Training Syllabus is to develop awareness, respect, and understanding of the maritime biological and cultural heritage. In order to develop capability in the maritime fields of interest by expanding relevant surface and underwater skills, as well as to develop knowledge of the historical nature of the maritime fields. MERS Training is headed by member Alan Crew, supported by local Florida dive shops. The majority of training is provided on site. The development of the MERS training curriculum is supported by the Professional Association of Diving Instructors (PADI).